Hören lernen
https://www.tree.fm/forest/3 HIER
https://timberfestival.org.uk/soundsoftheforest-soundmap/ HIER
(nach Informationen aus der Süddeutschen Zeitung heute, 8.5.21, S.16 / Autor: Bernd Graff)
Fotos: Screenshots aus dem angegebenen Link s.o. „tree / forest“
Was Sie beim zweiten Link s.o. „timberfestival“ erwartet (Beispiel):
We are collecting the sounds of woodlands and forests from all around the world, creating a beautiful soundmap bringing together aural tones and textures from the world’s woodlands.
We invite you to visit your local forest or woodland, and record for us one minute of the sounds that you hear. If you already have existing recordings of forests then we’d love to hear those too.
At the start of July 2020, on the weekend we would have been at Timber Festival, we released a soundmap of forests everywhere, listening and imagining ourselves in the heart of the National Forest with you.
The sounds form an open source library, to be used by anyone to listen to and create from. Selected artists are responding to the sounds that you gather, creating music, audio, artwork or something else incredible, to be presented at Timber 2021.
So visit a woodland, recharge under the canopy and record your sounds of the forest.
Quelle (noch einmal) hier